Ages and Stages

Ages & Stages Questionnaires 3rd Edition

Screen Developmental Milestones with ASQ-3.

Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ®) provides reliable, accurate developmental and social-emotional screening for children between birth and age 6. Drawing on parents’ expert knowledge, ASQ has been specifically designed to pinpoint developmental progress and catch delays in young children—paving the way for meaningful next steps in learning, intervention, or monitoring.

Ages & Stages Questionnaires 3rd Edition

Screen Developmental Milestones with ASQ-3.

Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ®) provides reliable, accurate developmental and social-emotional screening for children between birth and age 6. Drawing on parents’ expert knowledge, ASQ has been specifically designed to pinpoint developmental progress and catch delays in young children—paving the way for meaningful next steps in learning, intervention, or monitoring.

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Battelle Developmental Inventory 3rd Edition
Woodcock Johnson IV

ASQ's design centered around parents as experts ensures unmatched accuracy and efficiency

1 month - 5 years 6 months

10 - 15


  • Takes only 10–15 minutes for parents to complete and 2–3 minutes for professionals to score
  • Captures a child’s strengths as well as areas of concerns
  • Can be carried out at home, in a waiting room, during a home visit, or as part of an in-person or phone interview
  • Identifies results that fall within a "monitoring zone," facilitating easier monitoring of children who may be at risk

Everything you need to get started with developmental screening.

The ASQ 3 screens the areas of communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving, and personal-social. Questionnaires are available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

ASQ-3 is tailored for busy professionals, supporting them in their daily routines regardless of their workplace. The Starter Kit offers an ideal starting point for professionals to seamlessly integrate ASQ-3 into their work. When combined with the Materials Kit, it provides all the essentials for effectively screening children in your program. For customized solutions, individual components from the Starter Kit can be ordered, and ongoing staff training is made accessible through the accompanying DVDs at an affordable cost.
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