

They're not "bad at math". Get to the root cause of challenges with numbers sense.

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Explore Recommended Assessments

Explore Recommended Assessments

Download Playbooks to streamline your Dyscalculia evaluations

Explore comprehensive assessment playbooks for early childhood, school aged students, and English learners focused on Dyscalculia evaluations.

Each playbook includes a guide that explains how each test informs an Dyscalculia assessment, a score profile to organize your data, and a product list of recommended tests needed to investigate the most salient features of Dyscalculia.

Use the BEAS for Dyscalculia screening for young learners

The four subdomains of the BEAS Mathematics Domain assess a host of areas necessary for mathematical achievement. Read how an assessment of foundational math skills can be a good indicator of dyscalculia in children ages 3.6 - 7.11 under both IDEA and DMS-5-TR conceptualization of the condition.

Beyond BDI-3: Using the BEAS to Screen for Dyscalculia

The four subdomains of the BEAS Mathematics Domain assess a host of areas necessary for mathematical achievement. Read how an assessment of foundational math skills can be a good indicator of dyscalculia in children ages 3.6 - 7.11 under both IDEA and DMS-5-TR conceptualization of the condition.

Conducting a Comprehensive Evaluation of Dyscalculia

Hear from Riverside experts to learn more about the defining characteristcs of dyscalculia.

Learn about formal and informal measures that should be collected as a part of a comprehensive evaluation. Focus on specific tests and domains from the WJ IV that enable the examiner to investigate various latent and applied abilities related to pertinent aspects of mathematical achievement. 

Conducting a Comprehensive Evaluation of Dyscalculia

Hear from Riverside experts to learn more about the defining characteristcs of dyscalculia.

Learn about formal and informal measures that should be collected as a part of a comprehensive evaluation. Focus on specific tests and domains from the WJ IV that enable the examiner to investigate various latent and applied abilities related to pertinent aspects of mathematical achievement. 








